Hey Hanwell! Don’t forget about this unique opportunity to participate in a Babysitting Course in our own community! Detailed information on how to register + information on when & where the event is being hosted, will be provided below!

Exciting News! Our Babysitting Class is Coming to Hanwell Rural Community!

Get ready for an unforgettable learning experience, right in your own neighbourhood!

For Kids ages 10-13
Cost $50.00 plus HST per person

In this comprehensive course, the kids will be learning everything they need to become super-skilled and responsible babysitters.

Here’s what’s on the agenda:
After completing the course, I’ll receive a well-deserved babysitting certificate that recognizes your dedication and newly acquired skills!

This class is going to be hands-on and incredibly exciting! We’ll even have Hollywood-style makeup to simulate mock wound care scenarios, giving us the chance to practice treating various injuries.

For more information contact us at 1 800 591 5784 ext 1 or email at admin@lifestarttraining.com.

Share this post with any tweens in Hanwell ages 10-13 who might be interested in becoming certified babysitters or enhancing their existing skills!

” (Courtesy: Life Start Training)