

  1. Asset Management Policy #2018-02 – Policy #2018-02 Asset Management Policy (adopted May 22, 2018)
  2. Committee Policy #2014-01Committee Policy Amendment – 2014-01 (adopted May-23)
  3. Community Events Sign #2016-012016-01 Community Event Sign (Adopted Apr 13, 2016)
  4. Conflict and Complaint Resolution Policy #2022-08 – Policy #2022-08 – Conflict and Complaint Resolution Policy (adopted June 15-23)
  5. Correspondence Policy #2016-03 – Policy #2016-03 Correspondence Policy (adopted Sept 14, 2016)
  6. Dog Leash Policy #2018-01Policy #2018-01 Dog Leash Policy (adopted Feb 15, 2018)
  7. Dog Waste Policy #2023-01Policy 2023-01 – Dog Waste Policy (adopted August 16, 2023)
  8. Grants and Donation Policy #2017-01 Policy #2017-01 Grants & Donation Policy (adopted April 12, 2017)
  9. Hanwell Fee Schedule Policy #2022-05Policy #2022-05 Hanwell Fee Schedule (adopted April 20, 2022)
  10. Insufficient Fund Policy #2016-04Policy #2016-04 Insufficient Fund Policy (adopted Oct 12, 2016)
  11. Item Actions Policy #2022-01Policy #2022-01 Item Actions Policy 
  12. Purchasing Policy #2016-02Purchasing Policy #2016-02 (adopted November 10, 2021)
  13. Public Suggestions Policy #2022-02Policy #2022-02 Public Suggestions Policy
  14. Street Light Policy #2019-01Policy #2019-01 Streetlight Policy
  15. Work Place Harassment and Violence Policy #2022-06 – Work Place Policy 2022-06 (adopted July 20, 2022)
  16. Travel Expense Policy #2024-01 Travel Expense Policy – 2024-1 (adopted May 15, 2024)
  17. Frivolous, Vexations or Unreasonable Requests or Complaints Policy Frivolous, Vexatious or Unreasonable Requests or Complaints Policy 2024-02 (adopted July 17, 2024