Attention Hanwell residents

We would like to share some important information about how generators should and should not be use, with regards to safety.
Emergency Preparedness Tip – Generator Safety:
– Make sure you have fresh fuel and operate it safely.
– Never use a generator indoors or in enclosed spaces, such as garages, carports, breezeways, crawl spaces, and basements.
– Always use a portable generator at least 6 meters (20 feet) from the house, with the engine exhaust directed away from windows and doors.
– Do not operate in the rain or snow; the generator is not sealed watertight and can cause an electrical fault or shock to anyone contacting the generator. KEEP IT DRY!
– Don’t re-fuel it when it’s running. Spilled fuel can cause a fire.
– Only connect to the generator outlets as recommended in the operator’s manual, to prevent back feeding the electrical distribution grid and endangering utility workers.