
Are you a volunteer who would like to share your skills, experience and enthusiasm for the Hanwell community?  If so, please consider serving on a Committee or advisory panel.  These groups will provide invaluable support to the rural community Council on a range of subjects and issues.  If you are interested in providing meaningful input into the future of Hanwell, please e-mail the municipal clerk at: clerk@hanwell.nb.ca.

Please provide your:

  • Name
  • Street address & phone number
  • Current affiliations
  • Interests — or select from
    • Planning Management
    • Parks & Recreation
    • Emergency Measures
    • Age-Friendly
    • Communications
  • Relevant skills and experience

Committee responsibilities need not be long-term commitments.  Council will appreciate receiving your expressions of interest in hopes of having many interested people step up from time to time to address matters of importance.